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2142 San Benito Drive, Fremont, CA 94539
EIN: 90-0482868

(408) 687 8186

The 1 % imperative

No, I am not writing about the top 1% of the American population by net worth or the ultra-rich 0.1%. It is 1% in a different angle where this blog is focused on. The average Konkani amongst us may not be...

Our Heros

Joomla Templates and Joomla Extensions by JoomVision.Com

Nandan, Lakshan, Arya Pai

Inspired by their grandparents, KV Kamath & Rajalakshmi Kamath &…

Amay Kamath and Tanvi Mallya

   “No one has ever become poor by giving.”- Anne…

Roshan Pai

Roshan Pai is a high school senior who lives in…


Konkani Charitable Fund Inc.

2142 San Benito Drive, Fremont, CA 94539

EIN: 90-0482868

phone: (408) 687 8186






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